Horstmann goes school

This week we had something special at Horstmann: Year 9 pupils from Heiligenhaus comprehensive school were our guests for an exciting tour of the company.
This day is part of our cooperation project with the Heiligenhaus comprehensive school and has several objectives:
1️⃣ Experiencing the industry up close: Our young guests had the chance to see our company from the inside and get to know it better.
2️⃣ Career insights: We presented apprenticeships in logistics, electronics and commercial professions to show the pupils different career paths.
3️⃣ Internship opportunities: Students were able to apply directly for internships with us to gain their first practical experience.
On this exciting day, there was not only a tour of the entire company, including production, but also a creative task for the students: they built a miniature model of the energy grid to show how and where our Horstmann products are used.

To do this, they built a small generator, an LED light that illustrates the home network and the path of the generator to the home.
This model illustrated to the students how the monitoring of power grids works in both underground cable and overhead line areas, and how our Horstmann devices react in the event of a fault. 

Many thanks to all participating students, our dedicated trainees, training manager Marcel Pletsch and the teachers of the class for this eventful day!

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