Product discontinuations / End of Life


The life cycle of a product also includes the process of product discontinuation: Due to technical developments, we replace individual products with successor products after long-term availability.

Wega series according to IEC 61243-5

Please note the current information on the discontinuation.

As an alternative, we offer the Wega series in accordance with IEC 62271-213.

If you need help in selecting alternative products, our sales representatives and partners will be happy to assist you.

Integriertes Spannungsprüfgeräte Wega 1.2 C und Wega 2.2 C nebeneinander
zwei Mitarbeiter stehen in einem hellen Raum nebeneinander und schauen zusammen auf einen Laptop. Rechts ist eine Frau mit grünen Pullover, links ein junger Mann mit Businesshemd. Beide lächeln.

Get in touch with us

Humboldtstraße 2
42579 Heiligenhaus

Tel. +49 2056 976-0
Fax +49 2056 976-140

Do you have any questions or would you like advice?