Maintenance test

Voltage measuring devices

As per German accident prevention regulations for electrical installations and equipment (DGUV Regulation 3) of Employers Liability Insurance Association, voltage detectors, phase comparators and pluggable capacitive voltage detecting systems are subject to maintenance tests at intervals not exceeding 6 years. Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH offers this maintenance testing for all new but also for some older devices of own production. Regardless of the duty to perform maintenance testing, the following rule is mandatory for devices and equipment including voltage detectors: The user is responsible for the safe and proper condition of the devices. Prior to each use, the user must verify devices and equipment are suitable for proper function as well as checking for externally visible damages and defects. Integrated capacitive voltage testing devices of the Wega series including Wega 1, Wega 1 V, Wega 2, Wega 2 V and Wega T1 with self-test facility, are not subject to maintenance tests.
Maintenance test on devices belonging to the AC and FGB series are no longer carried out. In exchange, we offer corresponding new devices.

Service overview


 Testing requirements according toRemark

Age ≤14 years

Order. No.

Age ≥14 years and ≤24 years

Order. No.

Voltage detectors with capacitive coupling a)
BL-I, BL-ADIN EN 61243-1 / VDE 0682 Part 411a), b), c)79-0102-00479-0102-006
BK-I, BK-A, BS-I, BS-ADIN EN 61243-1 / VDE 0682 Part 411a), b), c)79-0102-00479-0102-007
BO-A 2.0DIN VDE 0681 Part 6a), b), c)79-0114-00179-0114-005
BO-A AC/DCDIN VDE 0682 Part 6a), b), c)79-0114-00179-0114-005
FL-IDIN EN 61243-1 / VDE 0682 Part 411a), b)79-0110-00179-0110-005
Phase comparators with capacitive coupling
PG IIDIN EN 61481 / VDE 0682 Part 431a), b), c)79-0105-00179-0105-005
Compare 2.0DIN EN 61481 / VDE 0682 Part 431a), b), c)79-0112-00179-0112-005
Interface detectors, voltage detectors, phase comparators, measurement modules
Orion 3.1DIN EN 61243-5 / VDE 0682 Part 415c)79-0107-00279-0107-005
Orion M1DIN EN 61243-5 / VDE 0682 Part 415c)79-0107-00379-0107-006
Capacitive continuous voltage indicators, pluggable a)
HR-ST, LRM-STDIN EN 61243-5 / VDE 0682 Part 415d)
Coupling parts of pluggable capacitive voltage detecting systems
HR or LRM interface
(alternatively: HR or LRM socket module)
DIN EN 61243-5 / VDE 0682 Part 415
(current and newer devices)
  1. All devices, which are sent to us by our customers, must be sent complete, including operating sticks and extension elements.
  2. We perform maintenance test only on the condition that the devices are not older than 24 years and in a technically acceptable condition. For devices with an age >14 and ≤24 years, an extended maintenance test will be performed, including electronics replacement.
  3. For all battery-operated devices, the battery replacement is mandatory during maintenance test (included in the price).
  4. Due to the disproportionately high testing expenditure, we do not carry out maintenance tests, but we offer “old” versus “new”. Here we grant a special discount of 20 % on the new price if the old devices are sent back.
  5. Can be carried out on own initiative with the Orion 3.1, M1. Orion 3.1 conclude a good / bad condition. Further quantitative measurements can be carried out using Orion M1 well as appropriate digital multimeters.

In order to avoid delays in order processing, we kindly ask you to either attach a copy of your order letter to your consignment, or send us your order letter in due time.

Contact form

zwei Mitarbeiter stehen in einem hellen Raum nebeneinander und schauen zusammen auf einen Laptop. Rechts ist eine Frau mit grünen Pullover, links ein junger Mann mit Businesshemd. Beide lächeln.

Get in touch with us

Humboldtstraße 2
42579 Heiligenhaus

Tel. +49 2056 976-0
Fax +49 2056 976-140

Do you have any questions or would you like advice?