Zwei Auszubildende haben die Abschlussprüfung bestanden und werden von Ihren neuen Team Kollegen gefeiert.

Horstmann trainees Marvin & Michael

Marvin and Michael have successfully completed their training at Horstmann and will remain as permanent team members.

Done - and how!

We are delighted that our two (now former) trainees Marvin and Michael have successfully completed their training and will remain an integral part of our team!

Marvin is joining the development team with immediate effect, while Michael is starting out in the quality management department.

With passion, commitment and lots of great ideas, you have developed magnificently in recent years and have become an indispensable asset to Horstmann.

We are proud of you and look forward to continuing to realize exciting projects together.

Congratulations on this great milestone!

More news at a glance