Wega variant for low-voltage applications

Integriertes Spannungsprüfgerät Wega 1 LV mit Phasenanschlüssen

Is voltage present or absent? This question is fundamental and a precise answer is vital when service or maintenance personnel are working on switchgear and cables. This also applies to switchgear where the rated voltages are below 1,000 V.

Employee campaign for the 2024 European Championship

Mitarbeiterin hält einen Fußball in der Hand und trägt auf dem Rücken einen Rucksack der Firma Horstmann

Just in time for the European Championships, all colleagues will receive a goodie bag that will make watching soccer together a real experience. This campaign is intended to further strengthen our team spirit.

Presentation of the Körperich branch

Komplette Gebäudetrakt der Niederlassung in Körperich von oben zu sehen

The subsidiary in Körperich was founded in 1960 and today produces high-quality components for medium-voltage technology. Since then, it has developed considerably with 60 employees, an expanded site and sustainable investments such as a photovoltaic system.