Case study DONETZ

Vorderseite eines Fachberichtes, auf dem eine Ortnetzstation zu sehen ist

Dortmunder Quartier Speicherstraße –
Use of ComPass D short-circuit indicators at Dortmunder Netz GmbH.

Safe voltage detection on railway catenary systems

Mobiler Spannungsprüfer BO-A in der Detailansicht, wo man das Display mit grüner oder roter Lichtanzeige sieht

The BO-A 2.0 voltage detector from Horstmann ensures safe and maintenance-free absence of voltage on railway railway catenary systems and meets the requirements of Deutsche Bahn. Highlights are its low weight, robust design and easy handling.

Status quo of the VARele research project

As part of the VARele research project, VR technology is being used to develop a virtual energy system that realistically depicts energy distribution. The first 3D models were successfully created and evaluated at the meeting in VR-Lab Wuppertal in order to further develop the virtual environments and application scenarios.