Testing device Orion M1

Mobiles Spannungsprüfgerät Orion M1 in der Frontansicht

Orion M1 is a testing device for LRM and HR interfaces of medium-voltage switchgears and combines phase angle measurement, voltage detection and maintenance test of the interface as well as harmonic and current measurement in a single device.

Casy study EWR

Vorderseite eins Dokumentes, auf dem eine Ortsnetzstation mit Stromsensoren abgebildet ist

Old earth cables in digital networks – EWR GmbH upgrades medium-voltage cables with innovative solution from Horstmann.

FAQs Wega series

What do I need to consider when using the Wega series in accordance with IEC 62271-213? We have compiled these and other frequently asked questions about the new Wega series for you.

Further development of the Wega series

Integriertes Spannungsprüfgerät Wega 1 mit Phasenanschlüssen

The new Wega series in accordance with IEC 62271-213 replaces the old series and offers improved voltage detecting systems, maximum safety and the usual high quality “Made in Germany”.

FAQs about Sigma DM

Kurz- und Erdschlussanzeiger Sigma DM mit Netzmonitoringfunktion und LED Display

Have you ever had a question about our products?
In this format, we answer frequently asked questions about our products in a precise & easy-to-understand way – this time about the Sigma Dм.

Directional fault indicator Sigma Dм

The Sigma Dм is a short-circuit and earth fault indicator for medium-voltage switchgear with RS485 interface, versatile fault detection and simple parameterization.

Pilot project for digital monitoring of a substation

Foto von einem Teil einer Ortsnetzstation, auf dem man

By combining the Driescher medium-voltage switchgear and the Horstmann ComPass Bs 2.0 monitoring system, the pilot project enables early detection of grid overloads, predictive maintenance and efficient grid utilization.

Retrofit for earth cable

Anwendungsfoto des Stronsensor CSOR an Massekabel. Perpektive auf die drei schwarzen Kabel von oben.

Thanks to an innovative solution from Horstmann, old earth cables in Remscheid can now be monitored with modern short-circuit indicators and LoRaWAN, enabling cost-effective, fast and flexible integration into smart grid environments.