Phase fixed points

Ball connection studs can be used as phase connection and busbar gland

Phase fixed points are essential components in electrical systems that serve to mechanically fix current conductors. They play an important role in the absorption and transmission of electrodynamic forces that can be caused by short-circuit currents.

Ball connection studs as phase connections offer particular advantages:

  • They enable a flexible and at the same time secure connection of the conductors
  • Thanks to their spherical design, they can compensate for movements in different directions
  • They ensure even power transmission and current distribution

The busbar gland is a critical element of the fixed point. It must:

  • Maintain the required tightening torque permanently
  • Be designed to be vibration-proof
  • Ensure a low transition impedance
  • Be corrosion-resistant

During installation, particular attention must be paid to correct installation and the specified tightening torque in order to ensure full functionality of the phase fixed point.

Ball connection bolt with internal thread

  • Material straight ball stud: E-Cu, tin-plated
  • Material of angled ball stud: CuCr, tin-plated
Ø [mm] Thread Rated value Ir [kA]/tr = 1 s Item no.
20 M10 18,7 63-0101-002
20 M12 18,7 63-0101-001
25 M12 23,7 63-0101-003
25 M16 29,6 63-0101-004
Metallisch, runder Kugelanschlussbolzen

Ø [mm] Thread Rated value Ir [kA]/tr = 1 s Item no.
20 M12 13,8 63-0101-001
25 M12 23,7 63-0103-002
25 M16 29,6 63-0103-003
Metallisch, runder Kugelanschlussbolzen

Ball stud with steel threaded pin

  • Material straight ball stud: E-Cu, tin-plated
  • Material of angled ball stud: CuCr, tin-plated
Ø [mm] Thread Rated value Ir [kA]/tr = 1 s Item no.
20 M10 x 30 18,7 63-0102-002
20 M12 x 30 18,7 63-0102-001
25 M12 x 30 23,7 63-0102-003
25 M16 x 45 29,6 63-0102-004
Metallisch, runder Kugelanschlussbolzen

Ø [mm] Thread Rated value Ir [kA]/tr = 1 s Item no.
20 M12 x 30 13,8 63-0104-001
25 M12 x 30 23,7 63-0104-002
25 M16 x 45 29.6 63-0104-003
Metallisch, runder Kugelanschlussbolzen mit Stahlgewindestiftmit Stahlgewindestift

T-connection bolt

  • Material: E-Cu, tin-plated
Ø [mm] Thread Rated value Ir [kA]/tr = 1 s Item no.
15 M12 13,8 63-0106-001
15 M12 x 30 13,8 63-0106-002
Metallischer T-Anschlussbolzen

Other fixed points and connection terminals


Phase connection terminals


Earthing fixed points

Metallischer Erdpotenzial-Anschlüss

Earth potential connections