Infografik über das 450Mhz-Netz, welches von einem Mittelspannungsmast über Funkverbindungen mit verschiedenen Stationen verbunden ist

Why do energy utilities need a connection to the 450 MHz network?

The 450 MHz network paves the way for the successful digitalization of the energy transition

450 MHz radio network: Insights and status quo

“The 450 MHz radio network paves the way for the successful digitalization of the energy transition.”

The energy transition is driving decentralization and digitalization in the German energy supply, which poses existential challenges for energy and water utility companies. These companies need secure, comprehensive, highly available and cost-efficient communication systems in order to meet the changing requirements and various outage scenarios in the long term.

The robust 450 MHz network infrastructure creates a reliable basis for highly available voice and data communication, which contributes to the security of supply and protection of critical infrastructures.

According to the BSI Act, a critical service is “a service for supplying the general public in the sectors pursuant to Sections 2 to 8, the failure or impairment of which would lead to significant supply bottlenecks or threats to public safety”. This also includes the electricity grid.

This decision marks significant progress in the successful implementation of the energy transition.

How 450 MHz technology came into focus

A significant step was already taken in 2016 with the law on the introduction of smart metering systems in the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG). Compared to conventional meters, these systems were to transmit their consumption data remotely via a gateway and enable control processes. Consideration of various options such as mobile radio, powerline and fiber optics showed that providing connectivity and maintaining high security standards was a challenge. There was a growing need for reliable technology that could meet the requirements for controlling the electricity grid of tomorrow. The need for proprietary communications technology in the energy sector was reinforced by the introduction of information security management systems and the increasing requirements in the field of renewable energy and critical infrastructure protection. The 450 MHz technology met these requirements and thus gained importance in the industry.

Who sets up the 450 MHz radio network and who is allowed to use it?

The award of the 450 MHz frequencies formed the basis for the expansion of the radio network. In March 2021, 450connect GmbH from Cologne was awarded the frequencies until 2040, enabling 450connect to set up a 450 MHz network in Germany and provide services for third parties, although the scope of application is limited to critical infrastructures such as power grids.

450connect is backed by a shareholder structure consisting of more than 70 energy and water supply companies, whose many years of experience and technical expertise significantly support the development and operation of the communication platform.

The functions and advantages of the 450 MHz network in the energy industry

The 450 MHz network supports the energy industry in various areas, including grid monitoring and control, connecting generation and consumption systems and reading smart metering systems. It also enables voice communication with maintenance and repair teams, both during normal operation and in crisis situations such as widespread power outages. The use of 450 MHz technology strengthens the resilience of power grids for the future and in crisis situations.

Electricity distribution network operators recognized the advantages of the 450 MHz frequency for a communication network early on, as it offers high availability, network coverage and IT security. This technology meets the requirements for communication in critical infrastructures. In crises, communication is a crucial part of the recovery process, as without it it would be almost impossible to restore the power grid.

With the help of 450connect’s high-availability voice communication, emergency services can communicate with each other even if public telecommunications networks fail. It also enables communication with the grid control center, the grid operator and other operators of critical infrastructures as well as the crisis teams.

The advantages of the 450 MHz network compared to the standard 4G/5G mobile network:

  • Long range and good building penetration due to lower frequency
  • High system availability thanks to emergency power supply (blackout-proof)
  • Prioritization of applications according to criticality possible
  • High level of security thanks to self-sufficient network infrastructure nationwide
  • Specially designed for the operation of critical infrastructures (gas, water, electricity)
  • High performance thanks to standardized mobile radio technology
  • High investment and future security

Other technologies, such as LoRaWan, continue to be used for smart city scenarios due to the wide range of possibilities, license-free frequencies and long battery life.

Rollout of the 450 MHz network by 2025

The start of radio coverage in the first regions of Germany is planned for 2023. The expansion of the 450 MHz network should be completed nationwide by 2025. Around 1,600 radio masts are required to cover the entire country. The individual radio sites have up to 3 sector antennas, which guarantee comprehensive radio coverage. The up to 4 radio relay antennas per radio site ensure redundant radio relay connections and thus communication between the individual radio sites and the backbone. Dedicated communication networks are also being set up in many other countries for the operation of the critical infrastructure.

Horstmann offers 450 MHz radio network-capable products

Horstmann has future-proofed the products that have a modem (e.g. SN2, SN2HV) by adapting the hardware for the 450 MHz network. The iHost telecommunication software acts as backend software and data concentrator.
This ensures integration into the energy supplier’s IT infrastructure and connection to a control system. These measures enable #overhead lines to be prepared for the 450 MHz network and the energy transition.

The Horstmann Smart Navigator 2.0, for example, is already 450 MHz-capable.
The overhead line short-circuit indicator also offers the following product features in the 450 MHz version:
1. intelligent fault detection – reduces downtimes
2. overhead line monitoring – collection of measurement data for further evaluation (can be used e.g. for network planning and asset management)
3. energy harvesting from the overhead line
4. innovative installation – installation under voltage and from the ground
5. remote maintenance – import configuration and updates from the control room
6. special feature: blackout-proof – making it fit for a future-proof energy industry


In summary, the introduction of the stable 450 MHz network in the German energy industry represents an important milestone for the security and expansion of communication systems for the electricity grid. This connection is a reaction to the increased requirements in the course of the energy transition, which necessitate decentralization and digitalization. The decision to establish the 450 MHz network enables secure and reliable communication in crisis situations and ensures the security of supply of critical infrastructures. The 450 MHz network is being driven forward by 450connect GmbH, which is backed by established companies in the energy and water sector. The rollout of the 450 MHz network with around 1,600 radio masts is expected by 2025. Horstmann has already adapted to the new requirements and already offers 450 MHz-capable products to ensure intelligent fault detection in overhead lines. These include, for example, the Smart Navigator 2.0 overhead line short-circuit indicator.

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